21 October 2010

Just keep running...

Stephen attends the University of St. Augustine for Health Sciences. Every year they have a 5K Run-Walk benefiting Project Special Care, a not-for-profit organization that provides advocacy, care and therapy for children and young adults who are facing challenges or crisis in their life. I must say, a worthy cause. Stephen ran it last year and did his part in helping raise $8,000 for Project Special Care. This year I am going to join the festivities and run the 5K. The first time I ran a 5K was when I was a junior in college and I ran the Fort Worth Zoo 5K Fun-Run. I died. The second half my friend Claudia, who isn't much of a runner (or so I thought!) was basically carrying me. I made it, but only just. Then again, I had never actually run outside for any period of time. This time I have been doing some training. I run at least 2 5K's a week and hope to not die, but no promises.

I'll be sure to post a couple pictures from the race.

For more information on the 11th Annual University of St. Augustine 5K Run-Walk visit: http://www.historiccity.com/2010/staugustine/news/florida/11th-university-of-st-augustine-5k-run-walk-2-6608

For more information and how you can help Project Special Care visit: http://www.co.st-johns.fl.us/bcc/family_integrity_program/services/psc.aspx

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